CIC Alpha 1 Complete
It’s done! After months of development and testing the first alpha of CIC is complete. Those who have signed up for the closed alpha should have received an email last night giving them instructions on how to download the latest build to try it out. If there are any major problems I plan to release a patch, and then decide how best to move on with the development. I’m really pleased that I met the first deadline I set 12 weeks ago of April 7th and it was suprisingly accurate as I fixed my last bug last night before uploading it to the server.
Due to the feedback I’ve already received I’ve decided to continue with the development of CIC, however I’m going to take a break for a while and plan out how I can best utilize the remaining year or so of development. It’s not too late to sign up for the closed alpha, just fill out the form below and I’ll send out the details on how to download CIC.